It seems like the past few days/weeks have flown by and were busier than usual! I have missed blogging and am glad to finally take the time to make a post!
I have been checking your blogs, and it seems like everyone is moving along, having good days!
Much has been going on and I have tons to tell! I even have stitching to show!!!
But first, I am so sad to read that Prairie Schooler is closing up--they are retiring!!! I just caught a glimpse of the the final charts they've released--lovely, of course, but I hate to see them leave! I think they're my favorites!
I've had a foot in the road recently--I already told about my trip to Fargo for my Music Convention!! Here are a few photos I never shared. I'd never been there before, so we took a tour and got to see a few sights around the city. We visited The Heritage Hiemkomst Interpretive Center, where we saw a Stave Church and a replica Viking Ship.
We also attended a wonderful piano recital at the Presbyterian Church.
My favorite was probably the Fargo Theatre, complete with the Mighty Wurlitzer. A lovely man demonstrated the organ, and then accompanied a silent movie--one with Buster Keaton!!! It was so silly but very funny!
I guess I never said that I was elected to national First Vice President, and will serve that for four years. Then I'll step up into the National Presidency! A big honor!!
Here is a poor photo of part of the installation, and also the lovely roses from my state, that were left in my hotel room!!! So sweet!
I headed back to Memphis for a quick trip, and did my fun visit to Stichers Inc!! I always pick up a few things, but didn't get them photographed yet! I bought a few lovely threads from a friend on Facebook.....
And, I went into a wonderful fabric store, that had little shopping bags full of fabric scraps for $6.50!! Well, I have never been one to walk away from a bargain! There was one full pound of fabric in the bag! I couldn't see in the bag, so that made it even more enticing!! THEN, when I got home I grabbed it and I LOVE my new fabrics!! These are perfect sizes for little ornaments. Most were Moda Fabrics--so cute!

My husband had an annual meeting in Destin, FL. It was at the SanDestin Golf & Beach Resort. We drive there almost every year. It's so pretty there--we love the place--but it was terribly hot!! Oh well, it was a nice change of scenery. Now he had a Saturday night meeting. I needed to get back home so I didn't have to miss church because I'm the organist and it's hard to get a sub! Our city has just gotten an air service--I mistakenly thought it was jet service. I really did!! So my husband took me to the airport in Destin to fly back alone to Madison MS. Can you imagine the look on my face when I was told to get in this contraption????

It was an 8 passenger prop plane, and we had nine passengers, so a cute little 9 year old girl sat in the co-pilot seat and off we went!!! What an experience!!!! Very loud. Very not luxurious! Very much NOT what I was expecting! It did bring back many memories of flying with my father in a 4 person plane--as a child! Well, the good thing was that it took 1 hour/20 minutes to get home, and it takes about 6 to drive because the traffic is so bad!! Below is a photo of the pilot flying....this was my view! You can barely see a little hair bow in the co pilot seat!!!
I just got back last night from Brevard Music Center in Brevard, NC. It's about 30 minutes from Asheville. We flew on Delta--not the above-mentioned air service!! LOL!!!
We spent one night at the Grove Park Inn--one of my favorites!! So beautiful and up in the moutains! The left photo is the Inn--the right photo is my view from my breakfast table! Gorgeous!
I found this so unique--the various donut flavors are on dowels, stuck in a section of a cut tree! Isn't that different??
Then it was on to Brevard Music Center. They have an open-air amphitheater and the music just flows around the lovely! This photo shows the orchestra getting ready for a performance.
We had our meetings and meals in a lovely room, overlooking trees and a lake with geese! They had beautiful Steinway in there!
I've gotten quite a bit of stitching done! I will have to show more as I can get it collected up! I desperately need a finishing day!!! I don't want to ever have a stack as tall as one I had about a year ago!! I stitched this sweet little BBD St Patrick's stocking on the plane. Isn't it cute?? It's on a hand dyed 30 ct. linen. So fun! I will show more finishes later--and I did stitch all 3 of the Lizzie Kate Sled Dudes! I showed a finished one previously, and I've got to finish the other 2 on the sleds! I really like those!

When I got home from Brevard, there was a wonderful envelope from England waiting for me!! It was from sweet, sweet
Jacquie, and I just knew I would love whatever it was!! She sent a precious note to me, written on this beautiful lavender-themed note card. A little package wrapped in pink tissue was in there--and it contained a wonderful handmade lavender sachet! I LOVE IT!!! Jacquie stitched some pretty lavender on it--TINY count--very lovely!! And it just smells divine! Thank you so much for thinking of me, Jacquie! I have enjoyed our friendship so much! I think of you when I walk by and catch a delightful whiff!! I will put it somewhere that I want to smell sweet, but right now I have to leave it where I can enjoy looking at it!!! Many thanks, friend!
Well, this was a LONG post, but I have been out of pocket! I will post some finishing soon, I hope!! I really want to jump into that stack of fabulosity!!!!
I started stitching another of the St Patrick's stockings, because it was the most convenient thing to start then! I am going to recycle some old stitching, and I have some great ideas for those things. So, keep in touch and I will share all of that soon!
Thanks for stopping by, and come back soon!