Well, time just keeps flying by!
Things are actually slowing down for a bit now! I am excited about that, for sure!
It is so hot here in the hottest of hot places!!!! I don't know where all of you live, but it can't be much hotter than it is here in Mississippi! However, we just turn up the air and get on with life!
I have not been good about posting, but I have been quickly trying to read through and keep up with you! It seems some of you are having or have had computer issues with the blog. My comments are not coming to my email. That really makes me unhappy. I'm wondering if that's happening to you, too! I will be checking to see if I am yet again a no-reply blogger! I guess I will always fight that!
I cannot believe how fast this year is going by! It's half over! Oh my!
I have my Patriotic Tree up, and it's always one of my favorites! I have it on Facebook, in a couple of groups that I'm in. Maybe you've seen it there. But here is is:

I love these happy and fun ornaments. I have a few more I'd like to stitch. I have lots of fun patriotic fabrics to use in finishing. I really need to make more!

Omar couldn't wait to jump on the rug and roll around! He approves, so it must be ok! haha He's such a funny boy!
I actually did some stitiching on the plane for my latest music trip to Milwaukee! I was so proud of myself! I hope to show the completed piece on my next post. I also got to visit with my dear friend, Janie, and she gave me a precious little row of pumpkins that she stitched, and I'm going to make a Halloween ornament with that! What fun!!!
I cannot make a post without Omar and Zoe! I've already shown Omar. I just realized he's in the photo of the living room....He is such a ham!
For the Fourth, I went to brunch with my son and his wife and baby. It's just too hot to stay outside for long. We had a good time, though, and here is sweet Zoe!!!
Happy Fourth! Thank you to those who still stop by my blog! I need to work on getting more readers!! (and it would help to post more often!!! haha) Come visit again soon!